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  • Writer's pictureShawn Kocab


Updated: May 23, 2023

Finding the right coating for your garage floor requires patience and attention to detail. Every garage is unique in its use and design, so not every recommendation will suit your specific needs. In this article, we will discuss five important factors to consider before embarking on your garage floor coating project. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about the best coating for your garage floor. Read on to learn more about what you should keep in mind before you start your project.

Choosing Your Coating

Before you start the installation process, it's essential to choose the right type of coating for your garage floor. As we mentioned earlier, everyone's requirements are unique, so selecting the correct coating is crucial to ensure its durability and performance. For instance, if your garage is frequently used for automotive activities or if harsh chemicals are commonly used in your garage, an epoxy flooring system might be the most suitable choice to protect your concrete floor. However, if your garage is primarily used for storing items, a decorative concrete system could be a better option. It's crucial to consider your garage's usage and needs to determine the most suitable coating for your project.

Understanding The Preparation Process

Before beginning the installation process for your garage floor coating, it's crucial to understand the process involved. Fortunately, most garage floor coatings available on the market follow similar installation practices. However, sealers stand out as they only require repairs and a thorough cleaning of the concrete before installation.

On the other hand, other coatings require a more intensive installation protocol that includes repairing any cracks, gouges, or imperfections in the concrete slabs. Once repairs are completed, the slab must be adequately prepared, which involves profiling the concrete surface. Profiling exposes the pores of the concrete, allowing the coating material to form a strong bond with the slab.

To achieve proper profiling, it's important not to use acid-based materials that claim to have the same effect as the correct profiling methods such as grinders or shot blasting. Due to the expensive cost of the necessary tools and the labor-intensive process involved, many homeowners choose to hire a professional contractor to handle the project.

Inspect Your Concrete

Another essential aspect to consider before installing a garage floor coating is the condition of your concrete slab. Is your concrete in good condition, or are there problem areas such as cracks, weathering, or structural damage? If any of these issues are present, repairs must be completed before the installation process can begin. During inspection, it's also crucial to look out for any pre-existing coatings on the concrete surface or excessive laitance (a less stable layer of cement). If either of these materials is present, they must be removed before the preparation or installation process can commence.

Measure The Moisture Levels

The assessment of moisture levels in your concrete holds significant importance during the installation process of any garage floor coating. Through the utilization of specialized equipment, a concrete contractor can conduct a crucial examination known as the Relative Humidity test (RH Testing). This test provides valuable insights into the true condition of your concrete surface and accurately determines the level of humidity that will be present when a sealed coating is applied. Rest assured, the RH test is both expeditious and precise, and it offers an affordable means of ensuring the secure installation of your coating. By conducting this test, the risk of issues such as bubbling or buckling over time due to moisture buildup beneath the coating is effectively mitigated.

Understand The Installation Process

Congratulations on clearing your concrete of any potential hazards and getting it ready for the coating installation! Now it's time to get familiar with the actual process of installing your chosen coating. For coatings like concrete overlays and epoxies, a squeegee can be used to maximize efficiency during installation. However, if you're going for a decorative finish like stamped concrete, the process can be a bit more complex and involve the use of rubber stamps and stamping sticks.

It's important to remember that if you're not comfortable with the installation process of your chosen coating, it's always best to seek the help of a professional contractor. They have the experience and expertise to ensure a flawless installation, saving you time and potential headaches in the long run. So there you have it, the five essential steps to take before installing a garage floor coating. Remember to always seek professional advice and best of luck with all your future home improvement projects!

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